Rent a Roll-Off Dumpster in Haskell, NJ

Cali Carting is your trusted source for roll-off dumpster rentals in Haskell, NJ for any residential or commercial project!

Dumpster Sizes Available in Haskell

What type of project do you need a dumpster for? Are you cleaning out your business or renovating your home? Cali Carting has four different dumpster sizes, ranging from 10 to 30 cubic yards, to help manage the waste produced by your project in Haskell, NJ. Check out our full range of dumpsters below!

Cali Carting 10-yard dumpster

10 Yard Dumpster

12’ x 8’ x 4.5’

Average Cost: $450 – $525 per haul

Our 10 yard dumpsters are great for small-scale projects in NJ, from junk removals to yard cleanouts to concrete disposal, that don’t generate a ton of waste. 

Cali Carting 15-yard dumpster

15 Yard Dumpster

22’ x 8’ x 3.5’

Average Cost: $475 – $575 per haul

Our 15 yard dumpsters in NJ are the ideal size for small- to medium-sized projects. They can handle waste from roof replacements, drywall removal, and bathroom remodels.

Cali Carting 20-yard dumpster

20 Yard Dumpster

22’ x 8’ x 4’

Average Cost: $550 – $625 per haul

Our 20 yard dumpster is our most popular size for projects in NJ. This dumpster can be used for basement or garage cleanouts, small construction jobs, and driveway replacements.

Cali Carting 30-yard dumpster

30 Yard Dumpster

22’ x 8’ x 6’

Average Cost: $650 – $725 per haul

Our 30 yard dumpsters are perfect for large-scale projects in NJ. Use this dumpster size for new home construction and renovation jobs that produce a lot of waste.

Schedule a Residential or Commercial Dumpster Rental in Haskell for Delivery

Cali Carting proudly offers convenient and affordable dumpster rentals services for those in Haskell, NJ. Our dumpsters can be rented for construction, residential, or commercial purposes to accommodate the needs of all our clients. When you request a free dumpster quote, our pricing includes pickup, drop-off, and disposal fees. Our team can help you choose the best dumpster for your project, and we guarantee next-day delivery. Contact us today to get started!

Request a Free Dumpster Quote Today!

Waste Disposal in Passaic County, NJ

Cali Carting not only provides roll-off dumpsters for residents and businesses in Haskell and Passaic County, NJ. We also have commercial compactors and trash and recycling collection services for municipalities. Check out our wide range of high-quality services in your area below.

  • White garbage truck iconCommercial Dumpster Rentals
  • White trash compactor iconTrash Compactors
  • White municipal collection iconMunicipal Collection

Waste and Recycling Pickup

If you run a business, it is likely that you generate tons of waste on a regular basis. At Cali Carting, we provide commercial dumpster rentals to help manage the storage and disposal of all types of unwanted materials. We offer both one-time curbside pickup and long-term rentals in Haskell, NJ.

White garbage truck

Commercial Trash Compactors

Cali Carting installs three different types of commercial trash compactors in Haskell: self-contained, closed receiver, and stationary. Our trash compactors are the perfect option for businesses or industrial clients who generate large amounts of waste and recyclables. They can be customized to fit your needs and range from 2 to 40 cubic yards.

Compactor outside of business location

Municipal Garbage and Recycling Collection

Look no further than Cali Carting for streamlined and cost-effective municipal waste collection in Haskell, NJ and its surrounding areas. Our goal is to keep your community safe and clean all year long by ensuring proper disposal of various kinds of waste, from regular trash to bulky furniture and appliances.

Trash being loaded into garbage truck

Contact the “Man with the Can” for a free dumpster quote today!